Sustainable Global Food Supply

An all natural nutrient necessary for all living things

Potash, a fertilizer with no substitute, is designated as one of only 35 “strategic & critical” minerals by the US Government (2018) and the only food-related mineral to receive the designation.

Located in rural Michigan and lead by a team with decades of upstream energy and potash experience, MPSC is on the verge of extracting two critical elements to food security – potash and salt – for 150+ years.

Michigan Potash holds the only established and sustainable Potash reserve in the US.

Without water, there is no farm. Nobody cares about water more than the people growing our food.

A farmer’s son in 1936, standing amid the Dust Bowl landscape of Cimarron County in Oklahoma’s panhandle. Arthur Rothstein / Library of Congress

Environmental Stewardship

Helping Michigan farmers steward water use, while being water recycle efficient

  • Supports dryland farming
    Potash helps dryland farming; when irrigation would otherwise be considered necessary.
  • Helps farmers adapt to climate change
    Helping farmers adapt to climate change with higher yields during the dry season.
  • Reducing the need for irrigation and protecting our water
    This project will help reduce irrigation, improve dryland farming, and improve water use efficiency in all crops.
  • Reduce, recycle, replenish
    Project utilizes a closed loop water recycling process via geothermal wellbores to produce low-carbon potash and salt, significantly more environmentally friendly and with a reduced carbon footprint vs. current sources.

Dr. P. Imas, Senior Agronomist

A Valuable Resource for Plant Health

“The Positive effect of potassium on the whole plant development results in better water economy of plants.”

Dr. R. Miles, University of Missouri

“Potassium levels are a critical component to water management, allowing growers to get the most efficient use of what water they have available for a specific crop.”

Good For Farmers… Good For The Community

Sustainable Economic Growth for Evart and Osceola County

Approximately 1,400 construction jobs will be created over a three-year period during the construction phase of the potash manufacturing facility. Nearly 200 direct full-time employment jobs will be created upon commissioning of facility. 170 indirect contract jobs will be created in addition to the full-time employment.
In addition to job creation, royalty payments will be paid to the local mineral interest ownership for a period in excess of 150 years. Direct expenses and commerce associated with sustaining potash production with the manufacturing facility will approximate $60 million per year.

MPSC geothermal potash extraction is a commercially proven technology used globally, carrying clean energy efficiencies over competing potash sources

Geothermal Energy Savings

Geothermal Heat & Recycled Water

Geothermal energy reduces heating energy requirements by over 50% verses standard, non-geothermal applications

Reducing pollution

Potassium reduces pollution

Potassium is an established battery mineral that supports new and emergent battery technologies and large scale grid storage. Potassium is also the catalyst that enables CO2 direct air capture, an emergent technology that removes CO2 directly from the atmosphere.

feeding a growing population

Reduces Deforestation

Proper potash application results in more food on less land (higher yields), which reduces deforestation practices spurned by the need for more arable land to feed a growing population.  Deforestation is responsible for CO2 emissions through clearing and burning, and less CO2 withdrawal from the earths atmosphere.